Melt Filters

At Euro Machinery we buy and sell melt filters on a global scale. Below you can see all types of these recycling devices. Contact us and let us assist you finding the ideal screen changer for your needs.
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Top Quality Used Melt Filters

A melt filter, otherwise called a screen changer or melt filtration system is a machine that melts plastics and removes impurities. Its purpose is to prepare the material for further recycling process. Undoubtedly, in plastic pelletizing processes, the screen changer is responsible for the quality and purity of the material.

At Euro Machinery, we offer many different melt filters from top brands. Some of them are Erema, Fimic, BDO, Ettlinger, and many other well-known brands. Contact us today, and let us assist you in finding the ideal equipment for your production needs.

Available Types of Screen Changer Devices

When choosing a screen changer, probably the key characteristic is its type. Some of the most popular ones in the plastic recycling industry are:

  • Manual
  • Hydraulic
  • Double piston
  • Backflush double piston
  • Continuous band filter
  • Laser sheet perforated continuous filter
  • and other.

Contact us today. We have expert knowledge of plastic processing and Recycling Machines gained over 25 years of experience. Additionally, we speak many languages, and we can surely assist you in finding the ideal machine.

Euro Machinery as Your Trading Partner

Dealing with Euro Machinery is secure, simple, and convenient. Our technical sales team can guide you through a secure, simple, and convenient process of buying and selling machines. Contact us today and let us help you find the right solution for your production needs.